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Candidate Glenn Babcock Comments on Charter Amendment

Candidate Glenn Babcock

Approving proposed Amendment #9 to the Town Charter (C-172) reduces the current Planning Commissioner 6 year staggered terms to 4 year staggered terms, effective November 2026.

As a candidate for the Planning Commission, I believe that a 6 year term is a very long commitment for a volunteer position and likely may reduce the number of Charlestown residents that may want to apply for this commission. There is nothing precluding a sitting commissioner from applying to serve for additional terms.

I believe a training module could enable newly elected volunteers to get up to speed with a uniform knowledge of the planning process, eliminating lengthy on the job training. A continuation of the staggered election process would maintain acquired  planning knowledge of current proposals and previous restrictive decisions. 

I encourage voters to ratify Town Charter Amendment #9 so the Planning Commission will attract more interested and qualified members to work with the community to adopt reasonable and productive policies concerning our future.


Glenn Babcock

Candidate, Planning Commission

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