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Carney’s long track record speaks for itself

A few years ago, I wrote a letter of support for Deborah Carney as a town councilor that said she would prove to be a highly productive advocate for Charlestown. Back then, I wrote, “a committed, thoughtful, thorough, unencumbered, independent thinker, Deb Carney pays close attention to the details and listens to her local community. She is energetic and has an excellent memory. A level-headed woman of action, who has been involved in many levels of our local government giving her a perspective and depth of knowledge of our town’s long term and short-term needs. Approachable and intelligent, she will investigate anything that concerns our town until she is satisfied that she has the facts.”

Deb now has a proven track record validating all the statements above. Deb led an effort and was successful in reducing taxes for Charlestown residents. She tenaciously pursued other councilors’ efforts to use $3.1 million for an unknown construction project in fiscal year 2019-20 and rather directed that money to reduce taxes. She proposed and drafted a Fund Balance Policy that would keep the town an appropriate amount in the Emergency Reserve Funds without excessively taxing residents. As a parent of a child involved in the Chariho Cowboys football league I remember the league trying to get night lighting at Puchalski Field 16 years ago. Deb helped secure the use of temporary lights for the league so children could practice safely. Always acting in the town’s best interest, Deb has a number of current proposals in the works to better our town while being fiscally responsible.

Her track record speaks loudly. Vote for Deborah Carney because she has proven qualities of a town councilor that will work and produce results for Charlestown.

Holly Eaves, Charlestown

This article appeared as a Letter To the Editor in The Westerly Sun on October 27.

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