On behalf of Charlestown Residents United (CRU), we wish to thank those civic-minded voters who cast their ballots on June 3rd regarding the Charlestown Municipal Budget. Your voices were heard.
We were opposed to the budget, not only because of the process, but because of the total disregard toward resident input by a majority of council members. We believe, as do the overwhelming number of voters, that our Town Council should conduct a fair and unbiased survey. As Town Council Vice President Deb Carney had recommended, we need to determine the needs and/or wants of our townspeople regarding the $3.1 million dollar surplus.
We thank those who believe that we should all have a voice in our democracy and join with you as we "Work to put the TOWN back in Charlestown".
Please come to Charlestown Town Council meetings at the Town Hall (usually the second Monday of the month, see Calendar) and continue to let your voices be heard.
Charlestown Residents United, Jodi Frank, Chairperson
