Eventful Town Council Meeting This WeekJul 7, 2019On the agenda this week:http://charlestownri.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=14&ID=1690&Inline=TrueUnder Public Hearings will be a discussion of the town budgetand under New business, there is a discussion of public access to the shoreline and the Burlingame North Camp discussion.Watchug Pond from North Camp at Burlingame
On the agenda this week:http://charlestownri.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=14&ID=1690&Inline=TrueUnder Public Hearings will be a discussion of the town budgetand under New business, there is a discussion of public access to the shoreline and the Burlingame North Camp discussion.Watchug Pond from North Camp at Burlingame
Vote ‘yes’ on Question 8 in CharlestownAttention Charlestown residents. On you ballot, in the section titled “Local Questions,” there is Question No. 8, titled Council Meetings...