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Green Economy Bonds, State Question - 3 Vote Yes

On this year’s November General Election ballot is “Question 3 – Green Economy Bonds.” These are not to exceed $50,000,000 for environmental and recreational purposes.

In the past, Charlestown has received money from the Local Land Acquisition Matching Grant Program to purchase open space. Charlestown Residents United is urging voters to vote “Yes” on the question.

The candidates endorsed by Charlestown Residents United, urge you to vote to approve Question 3. We promise to solicit your input on how to spend any funds garnered by these bonds. Our pledge is always to work with residents for the betterment of the town, with full transparency and open discussion.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding the intricacies of the issue. Below is the language for the bond issue and how the money will be allocated. Please vote to approve.

Question 3 – Green Economy Bonds are to be allocated as follows:

(a) Municipal Resiliency $16,000,000 Provides sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000) for up to seventy-five percent (75%) matching grants to municipalities for restoring and/or improving resiliency of infrastructure, vulnerable coastal habitats, and restoring rivers and stream floodplains. These funds are expected to leverage significant matching funds to support local programs to improve community resiliency and public safety in the face of increased flooding, major storm events, and environmental degradation. (b) Small Business Energy Loan Program $5,000,000 Provides five million dollars ($5,000,000) for grants for small businesses to remove impediments to clean energy project implementation and would provide zero interest and below market rate loans for clean energy projects. (c) Narragansett Bay and Watershed Restoration $3,000,000 Provides three million dollars ($3,000,000) for activities to restore and protect the water quality and enhance the economic viability and environmental sustainability of Narragansett Bay and the state’s watersheds. Eligible activities include nonpoint source pollution abatement, including stormwater management; nutrient loading abatement; commercial, industrial and agricultural pollution abatement; and riparian buffer and watershed ecosystem restoration. (d) Forest Restoration $3,000,000 Provides three million dollars ($3,000,000) to maintain forest and wildlife habitat and infrastructure on state properties, including state management areas. (e) Brownfields Remediation and Economic Development $4,000,000 Provides four million dollars ($4,000,000) for up to eighty percent (80%) matching grants to public, private, and/or nonprofit entities for brownfield remediation projects. (f) State Land Acquisition Program $3,000,000 Provides three million dollars ($3,000,000) for the State to acquire fee simple interest or conservation easements to open space, farmland, watershed, and recreation lands. (g) Local Land Acquisition Matching Grant Program $2,000,000 Provides two million dollars ($2,000,000) for up to fifty percent (50%) matching grants to municipalities, local land trusts and nonprofit organizations to acquire fee-simple interest, development rights, or conservation easements on open space and urban parklands. (h) Local Recreation Development Matching Grant Program $2,000,000 Provides two million dollars ($2,000,000) for up to eighty percent (80%) matching grants to municipalities to acquire, develop, or rehabilitate local public recreational facilities in Rhode Island. (i) Roger Williams Park and Zoo $12,000,000 Provides twelve million dollars ($12,000,000) for Roger Williams Park and Zoo for the construction of a state-of-the-art-carbon-neutral education center.

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