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Learn skills to help yourself and those around you

Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) Training Starts May 10, 2022 The Town of Charlestown will offer a 20-hour Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) training course free of charge on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings starting May 10. The free class teaches essential life-saving skills in the event of disasters such as storms and hurricanes. Upon completing the five-evening course, students will become a hometown CERT team member. I took this course back in 2007 with the aim of meeting my new neighbors a year after arriving in Charlestown, and I found it interesting and useful. I learned CPR, first aid, triage, disaster preparedness, disaster psychology, search and rescue, and other practical skills. And I made some new acquaintances. I heartily recommend it. The class will be taught by Charlestown Police Lt. Philip B. Gingerella, Sr. and Firefighter Lt. Stephen J. Stokes. It will be held at the Charlestown Police Training Room, 4901 Old Post Road, on the following dates: Tuesday May 10, 6 — 9:30PM Thursday, May 12, 6 — 9:30PM Tuesday, May 17, 6 — 9:30PM Thursday, May 19, 6 — 9:30PM Sunday, May 22 9AM — 3PM Contact Libby Bray to sign up for the class or for more information: 401-218-1968,

The Town announcement is here.

-- Regina DeAngelo

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