The following list of resources was compiled by the town.
Questions About COVID-19:
Please visit the R.I. Dept. of Health website for factual up-to-date information or call 401-222-8022. In addition, the United Way is available 24-7 to answer questions and connect residents with resources through their 211 hotline.
Important Information:
If you are feeling sick and exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, visit the Department of Health’s self checker and schedule a test by
General Information:
Re-Opening Rhode Island’s Economy: For information on the current phase of re-opening, guidance and support, visit:
COVID Guidance in Multiple Languages: For guidance, documents and support in multiple languages, please visit
CRUSH COVID RI Mobile App: All Rhode Islanders are encouraged to use CRUSH COVID RI, a pandemic response mobile app that’s available on smartphones. The app provides Rhode Islanders easy access to all the resources required during the public health crisis, including a location diary that helps users identify the people and places they are in contact with and a symptom checking survey. Download the CRUSH COVID RI app now in the Apple App Store and Google Play to step up and help RI #CrushCovidRI.
COVID-19 Governor’s Daily Update: Sign-up here.
RI Department of Health COVID-19 Data: Visit RIDOH.
Behavioral Health Resources
Adults seeking mental or behavioral health support should call BH Link at 414-LINK (5465). For services for children, call 1-855-543-5465.
People with moderate to severe opioid use disorder (OUD) can access telehealth service for initiation of buprenorphine treatment at 401-606-5456.
Business Support
Reopening the Economy: For constituents seeking assistance with the reopening of the economy, guidance documents for childcare, faith-based organization, retail, restaurants, and transit can be found on
COVID-19 Control Plan: Must be completed and kept on-hand. Template available here.
Department of Business Regulations COVID-19 guidance documents and business assistance can be found on COVID-19 questions or complaints can be asked at
Business Assistance: For business economic support, constituents should visit, call Commerce RI at 401-521-4357 (HELP), or email them at
Financial Support: For questions or assistance for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loans dispersed by the Small Business Administration, please email
Tech Help: If a business needs help getting online, creating a website, moving to online marketing or ordering, or accessing laptops., they can access free tech help through RI Commerce. Visit
PPE for Small Businesses: Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees can access a month’s worth of face masks and disinfectant solution from local chambers of commerce and business associations free of charge. Visit Commerce's website.
Child and Family Assistance
American Red Cross: Established the Virtual Family Assistance Center to support those that lost loved ones. Visit their website or call (833) 492-0094.
Family Care Community Partnerships (FCCPs): The RI Department of Children, Youth and Families’ recognizes that all families struggle and need supports they can turn to from time to time, including basic needs, bridging family rifts, and increasing the overall well-being of families. FCCP agencies bring community-based services to children and families to build a stronger, brighter futures. For more information, or to contact your local FCCP, please visit
Employment Support
Unemployment Insurance: Constituents seeking assistance with filing a COVID-19 unemployment claim should first visit for information, applications, and factsheets. Contact the Department of Labor and Training Monday-Friday at 401-234-4280 or
Employment: Jobseekers should visit to find jobs as well as other important resources including information on unemployment insurance, résumé tips, and other COVID-19 updates.
Food and Medication Delivery Services
RI Delivers: Through the Office of Healthy Aging, RI Delivers connects those in quarantine or isolation with access to food and medication delivery services. To contact call 2-1-1 or the Point at 401-462-4444. Visit
RI Thrives is available for deliveries of groceries, medication, and health, beauty & medical supplies. For more information go to:
Housing Assistance and Information
Renters and Homeowners: For constituents seeking housing-related information and resources, visit:
Housing Help RI: The statewide homelessness prevention initiative provides emergency housing assistance to very low-income renters who have been severely affected by the COVID-19 emergency and are at immediate risk of homelessness. Visit:
20 local financial institutions (list available at have agreed to the following: 90-day grace period on mortgage payments and 60-day moratorium on foreclosures and evictions.
Violence Prevention Support
Safe at Home: The Rhode Island State Police launched Safe at Home to raise awareness of the threat of increased violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Safe at Home is focused on connecting with those who may be facing violence at home and providing all Rhode Islanders with resources to identify and help those at-risk.
Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence and member agencies are open, as are domestic violence shelters. Those seeking help can call 1-800-494-8100.
Additional Resources and Support
For more resources and support, please visit
2020 Census: Please take a few minutes to complete the 2020 Census at
Distance learning support for parents through the Highlander Institute:
RI Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - The Commission now has a website dedicated to COVID-19, with specific information that is critically important to members of the community with hearing loss. The site has videos presented in American Sign Language
Student Loans support:
Federal student loans payments are suspended:
