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Tax Exemption Deadline - March 15!

If you are currently receiving a property tax exemption, you must submit a "Proof of Residence" document to the Tax Assessor by March 15th. Our Tax Assessor, Ken Swain, sent out letters in early December but many people have not returned the required form and documentation. Don't lose your exemption because the letter got stuck in a pile of holiday mail!

Over 700 people have been sent these letters (see example in the photo below) but less than half have returned the required documentation.

The Town offers exemptions and/ or tax credits to the Elderly, Low Income Elderly, Veterans, Gold Star Parents, Veteran Prisoners of War, Blind Persons, Disabled Persons, and Disabled Veterans.

So check this year's tax bill to see what exemptions you might have. You can stop by the Tax desk at Town Hall and the friendly people there will be glad to help.

Also, remember that if you are getting a Low Income Senior Citizen exemption (below $33,915 2019 income and 65 years of age or older), you must fill out an income qualification form each year by March 1. You can get that form at the Tax desk in Town Hall.

The entire Ordinance can be viewed here.

The section of the ordinance relating to the proof of residency is:

F. Prior to December 1st, the Tax Assessor must send to each current exemption participant a verification document requiring proof of ownership and residency.

[Added 2-11-2019 by Ord. No. 379]

(1) Recipient must complete and return this Proof of Residence document, to the Tax Assessor's office prior to March 15th;

(2) If the Proof of Residence document is not received by March 15th, the Tax Assessor must remove all corresponding exemptions from the Recipient's tax account(s);

(3) Once the tax bills are sent, a potential recipient whose exemptions have been removed due to not filing the Proof of Residence documents to the Tax Assessor in the time prescribed, shall have the right to submit a Tax Exemption Removal Complaint form to the Town Council through the Tax Assessor's office. This Tax Exemption Removal Complaint form will be submitted to the Town Council by the Tax Assessor within thirty (30) days of receipt, along with a request for tax abatement equal to the value of the exemptions removed.

Example letter sent out for residency verification

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