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The 39 Million Dollar Lie

Contrary to what the CCA would like you to believe, this Town Council is NOT spending $39 million in Ninigret Park.
❌ We are NOT building a stadium.
❌ We are NOT ruining the dark sky.
❌ We are NOT running a negative campaign or spreading false information.

The Town is required to update the Master Plan, which was last updated in 2008. We are overdue by six years in fulfilling this obligation. And let’s be clear — NOTHING can get built in Ninigret Park unless the voters approve the funding.

Just because something is in the Plan does NOT mean it will be built.


For example:
• The 1994 Plan included a "bandshell" that was never built.
• Both the 1994 and 2008 Plans had football fields, which were also never built.

On the other hand, something not in the Plan could still be built if approved. Take the multi-purpose trail near the playground and senior/community center — that wasn't in the Master Plan, but it was built.

Let’s be clear: This is CCA fearmongering.

NOTHING can be built without voter approval for funding.

Once again:
❌ This Town Council is NOT spending $39 million in Ninigret Park.
❌ We are NOT building a stadium.
❌ We are NOT ruining the dark sky.

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