The Charlestown Town Council is having their first meeting of August on Tuesday, August 15, because Monday is Victory Day, starting at 7:00 pm.
The Council will start with an Executive Session at 6:15 to discuss applications for Town Administrator and possibly set a date for a special meeting to Review the Applications and Select Individuals for Potential Interview. This is just the first step in the consideration of applicants for the position. The agenda description for the session can be viewed here.
The agenda and supporting documents for the 7 pm meeting can be read here.
Here are some of the interesting topics:
There has been some debate about the limit, though generous, on public comments during Town Council meetings. There has also been a favorable review of our Town Council’s openness to comments compared to similar bodies in other towns. Council President Carney has a Council Comment agenda item to speak about Proper Decorum at Public Meetings and Long-Standing Town Council Rules Regarding Public Comment at Town Council Meetings. A copy of Council Rules and Procedures and relevant sections of the Town Charter are included in the agenda packet to support this agenda item.
The Council will consider appointments to two positions on the Zoning Board of Review (ZBR): one as a full position to fill an unexpired term due to a resignation and the other as an alternate. One of the existing alternate members will be promoted to the full position, per the Town's ordinance, and one new alternate will be selected from the applicants. Three applications have been received at the time the meeting agenda was posted. The reader may recall that five positions on the ZBR were filled at the July 10 Council meeting.
The Town Solicitor, Peter Ruggiero, is on the agenda to speak about Upcoming changes to R.I. General Laws as they pertain to the Town. Some information, prepared before the meeting, may be read here.
As usual, people may attend in person or online through WebEx, as described in the agenda. People watching online will not be able to comment or ask questions. The video of the session should be available for viewing in the morning after the meeting on the meetings page. It will be down the page in the Past Meetings section.