Our preview of this meeting was published here.
The agenda packet for the 7 pm meeting is here. The video for the meeting can be viewed here.
The 7 pm meeting was preceded by a 6:15 Executive Session to discussion acquisition of property at the corner of South County Trail and New Biscuit City Road with access to the Pawcatuck River. When the Council came out of Executive Session, the Council voted to take next steps that could eventually lead toward public use of the property: survey the property to determine the boundaries, hire an environmental engineering company to evaluate the property for possible uses, have the property appraised, and form an coalition to propose uses for the property including but not limited to RI DEM, RI DOT, Wood-Pawcatuck Scenic Rivers, and the Army Corps of Engineers.
At the May 22 Council meeting, we heard about town-owned properties monitored by the Conservation Commission. That discussion ended with an action to research and document the town ownership of each property discussed. The report was submitted at this meeting; a list of the properties researched is here. The Conservation Commission will likely review this for a future set of proposed actions.
The Council considered appointments to the Zoning Board of Review. Five positions, two full members and three alternates, were listed as available for appointment at this meeting. Applications can be seen starting here. Joseph Pangborn was appointed for one full-voting position and Peter Rettig was appointed for the second full-voting position, both expiring July 2028. Joe LaMontagne was appointed for the first alternate position, Steven Rice was appointed for the second alternate position, and Richard Torres was appointed for the third alternate position, all expiring July 2024. Because of another resignation, one alternate ZBR member will be promoted to a full-voting position at the next Council meeting and another applicant will be appointed to the alternate position opening created by that promotion.
The Council held the public hearing on the proposed ordinance restricting public use of cannabis products. After a short discussion, the ordinance was adopted unanimously.
The Council continued discussion of potential scheduling of a special meeting, concerning Potential Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to Allow Subdivision Options Regarding Cluster and Conservation Development. Council member Stokes explained that he will working on draft language that can form a basis for continuing discussion. Tuesday, August 29 at 6 pm was selected for a special meeting on this topic.
The Council considered awarding a bid for an update of the Ninigret Park master plan. The vendor recommended by the Parks & Recreation Department and the Parks & Recreation Commission, VHB, was selected unanimously for the project.
The meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.
The second July Town Council meeting will be on July 24.