Our preview of this meeting was published here.
The evening started with a special executive session meeting at 6:30 pm to consider next steps regarding the "out of scope services" bill from the town auditor. The only vote taken in executive session was the vote to exit executive session.
The agenda packet for the regular 7 pm meeting is here. The video for the meeting can be viewed here.
Several residents spoke under Persons Wishing To Be Heard, about the noise and dust from recently renewed gravel extraction, crushing and trucking at two locations in the Klondike Road/Ross Hill Road/Healey Brook Road area.
Ordinance changes to regulate cannabis sales locations were set for public hearing on May 8, 2023.
Ordinance changes to meet State law for tangible property taxation were set for public hearing on May 8, 2023.
The Council, the Town Planner, and members of the Planning Commission had considerable discussion about cluster and conservation subdivision zoning. The Council approved a motion to authorize Councilor Stokes to work with the town solicitor to develop options for modifying the cluster and conservation zoning rules.
The Council approved the new Request for Proposals for commercial design standards for Charlestown, with some wording changes for clarity.
The Council voted to adopt the tentative 2023-2024 budget and set the budget hearing to be held on May 1, 2023. After that hearing, the Council will set the final budget at their May 8, 2023 meeting and that will appear on the ballot in the financial referendum which will be held on Monday, June 5, 2023, from 8 am until 8 pm.
There were numerous announcements about future meetings and other events around town. We wrote about them, and more, here.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.