The Charlestown Town Council will hold their second February meeting on Monday, February 26.
First, there will be an executive session meeting, at 6:30 pm, to discuss pending litigation regarding a zoning matter.
The regular Council meeting will begin at 7 pm in the Council Chambers. Here are some of the topics that will be of interest:
The Council will discuss, and possibly approve, the agreement with the South County Tourism Council for the placement and maintenance of the Thomas Dambo Trolls artwork in Ninigret Park.
Consideration and possible approval of Charlestown Craves food truck nights at Ninigret Park on May 9 and June 6.
The Council will continue the discussion about Special Use Permit changes needed to conform with State law.
The Council will discuss and possibly approve a resolution requesting the RI General Assembly amend RIGL § 45-24-38- regarding Substandard Lots of Record. Explanatory memos from the Building Official and Town Planner are included in the packet after the draft resolution.
The entire agenda, including the procedure for streaming access, can be viewed here.
There will also be a special meeting in the Town Hall Council Chambers on Thursday, February 29, starting at 6 pm with a presentation from the Army Corps of Engineers concerning an update of the testing and monitoring activity in Ninigret Park and the Environmental Land Use Restrictions (ELUR) proposed to the Town. The meeting packet includes a lot of background information.