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September 25, 2023 Town Council Meeting Report

Our preview of this meeting was published here.

The evening started with an Executive Session (agenda packet here, video here) to discuss the collective bargaining agreement with the Teamsters Local Union.

The agenda packet for the 7 pm meeting is here. The video for the meeting can be viewed here.

  • At the August 15 Council meeting, report here, the Council voted to sign on to Governor McKee's Learn365 Compact, primarily driven by the opportunity to receive funding for out-of-school educational programs at places like the Cross Mills Public Library. Since then, concerns have arisen about the requirements to get the funding the the potential to have to pay back money if all requirements are not met. A signing ceremony with the Governor is scheduled for October 2. Library Board Chair Jane Glander explained that the State has not yet defined the parameters of the phase 2 Learn365 funding and some towns have backed out of the program. She explained that there is a Zoom call scheduled for noon on September 26 for the Governor's office to explain this further. Glander feels there will be some hurdles but it will all work out. She encouraged the Council to continue with the program. Library Director Sarah Ornstein explained how the proposed construction and program funding of Learn365 would align with the mission of the library. After discussion the Council decided to "stay the path" and no further vote was taken.

  • The Council discussed a proposed multi-year agreement With Charlestown Ambulance and Rescue Service (CARS). The Town has been providing some funding to CARS for years. This proposal would increase that while CARS would eliminate the "subscription model" for community funding. The proposed agreement is based on one that is in place in North Smithfield. There was lengthy discussion (starting about 41 minutes 30 seconds in the video) about the need for such an agreement, how this agreement meets those needs, and numerous details in the agreement. Some revisions were made to the agreement with the intent of having the agreement on the next Council meeting agenda, on October 10, for further discussion and possible approval.

  • At the July 24 Council meeting, the required update to Charlestown's Hazard Mitigation Plan was discussed, with the action for town staff to assist Charlestown EMA Director Kevin Gallup to prepare a Request For Quotation to do this work. The Council voted to authorize the Town Administrator to apply for funding to complete the Request For Quotation through the identify BRIC grant program. Information related to that grant program can be read here. The Council also voted to select Stephen Stokes as liaison to the Hazard Mitigation Committee.

  • Councilor Stokes reviewed the two proposed changes to Charlestown's Residential Conservation Development zoning rules, Ordinance #405 – Chapter 218-52. October 11 at 6 pm was chosen for a special workshop meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss this. That will be followed by the public hearing on November 20 at the Charlestown Elementary School.

The meeting adjourned at 9:54 pm.

Please also note this event:

  • Flu Shot Clinic at the Charlestown Town Hall, Friday October 13. Information here and sign up in advance here.

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